Samsung Washing Machine Error Codes

D3 Appliance
September 3, 2024
Washer Repair

Although a blinking error message on your Samsung washing machine is never a welcome sight, it’s important not to panic. Appliance error codes help you pinpoint the nature of the malfunction with your washer, leading you quickly to the root of the problem to resolve it. If your Samsung washer is displaying an error code, this comprehensive guide details what each code means and how to fix it. Let’s get started!

This article relates to all common models of Samsung washing machines, including:






















For All Error Codes

If your Samsung washing machine is showing an error code, a good first step is to perform a hard reset to clear the code. This is because sometimes a power surge or electronic glitch can cause your washer to display an error code unnecessarily, and performing a reset will fix this. Here’s what to do:

  • Disconnect your washing machine from its power source, either by unplugging it or turning off the corresponding circuit breaker. 
  • Wait five minutes.
  • Restore power to your washing machine.
  • Run a test cycle to see if the error code recurs. If it does, it’s likely a legitimate code and you’ll need to follow the steps in the guide to resolve it. 

Error Codes nF1, 14C2, 4E2, 4C2, CE

These error codes suggest your washer has a problem with the connection of the water supply hoses. This code is most likely to occur when you have just installed your washing machine. It indicates that the cold and hot water hoses are connected to the wrong inlets. To fix:

  • Turn off the water supply
  • Disconnect the cold water hose and the hot water hose. 
  • Make sure they’re connected to the correct inlets. Consult your Samsung manual to ensure you have the right connections. 
  • Turn the water back on and run a test cycle to ensure the error code doesn’t recur. 

Error Codes 1E, 1 LC, LC, LE, LC1, 1 1C, 1C

These codes indicate that your Samsung washing machine is leaking, or in some cases that there’s an issue with the water level sensor. Here’s what to do:

  • While your washer is operating, check to see if you can detect a leak. If you do, contact a professional as leaks can cause serious damage to your flooring. 
  • If you can’t detect a leak, check to see if your washer has excess suds the next time it’s in use. This can lead to issues with the water sensor. If it does, try switching to a high-efficiency detergent in the future as it will produce fewer suds per wash. 

Error Codes 4E, 4C, 1 4C, nF

These codes relate to an issue with the rate at which your washing machine drum is filling. Usually, it isn’t filling fast enough. To fix:

  • Check the water pressure in other places in your home to ensure there isn’t a wider issue. If there is, call in a plumber. 
  • Double-check that the inlet hoses are connected properly and that the faucets are fully open. 
  • Once you’ve verified that the hoses are properly connected and the faucets are fully opened, run another cycle to check that the error code doesn’t come back. 

Error Codes 5E, and, 5C, SE, 1 5C, SC

These common codes indicate that your washer has a drainage issue. There are a few simple things you can do to resolve drainage issues, including:

  • Make sure your washing machine is sitting level.
  • Check the lint filter to make sure it isn’t clogged, and remove any clogs you find. 
  • Check to make sure the drainage hose isn’t kinked or pinched.
  • Check the drainage hose for clogs. Disconnect the hose from both ends and run water through it. If something is blocking the hose, use a length of wire or a long brush to clear the clog, then reconnect the hose. 
  • Once you’ve solved the underlying issue, run a test cycle to ensure the problem is solved. 

Error Codes dS, 1dC1, d5, 1dC4, FL, 1 dC, LO, L0, dC1, dC, dE2, dE1, dE

These codes mean there’s an issue with the washing machine door. It could suggest the door isn’t closed properly or that something is obstructing the latch. Here’s how to fix it:

  • For front loaders, check to see if laundry is caught in the door, preventing it from sealing properly. 
  • Press the door firmly to ensure it’s properly latched. 
  • Check the door or lid latch to make sure nothing is obstructing it. If there’s debris blocking the latch, clean it thoroughly, then check to see if the error code has cleared. 
  • If the latch appears damaged, it may need to be replaced. Source a replacement part from an appliance parts supplier and replace the latch according to manufacturer instructions. 

Error Codes dc, Ub, U6, Ur, UE, 1Ub, 1U6

These codes relate to load distribution during the wash cycle. They’re most likely to come up when your load becomes unbalanced during the cycle, preventing the drum from rotating evenly. To fix this:

  • Open your Samsung washing machine.
  • Manually redistribute the load so that it sits evenly in the drum. 
  • Restart the cycle. If the error recurs, repeat the redistribution, or you can remove some of the contents of the drum to make the error less likely to recur.
  • To prevent this error from happening in the future, make sure you follow load size guidelines. Avoid washing very large items like blankets. If you have to run larger items through the wash, make sure you use the lowest spin speed possible to avoid the drum becoming unbalanced.
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